Should you be thinking about buying your first property you’re probably wondering how to start. First time home buyers make a few mistakes all the time. This article is focused on the normal mistakes made and how you could avoid the same pitfalls. Check out mortgage deal now. Listed here are the most important steps you need to know concerning buying your first home -- Get a copy of your credit profile - Correct any problems - Get a pre-approval correspondence - Hire a real estate agent Get a replicate of your credit report Correct just about any errors Get a pre-approval notification Hire a real estate agent Submit a package 1 . Buying a home this is too expensive One of the more common blunders first time home buyers help to make is buying a home here is too expensive for them. How much you are able to afford depends on your debt for you to income ratio. The maximum DTI ratio is 41% for the majority of mortgages, but the ideal DTI is 36%. Keep in mind ther...